Coming July 1, 2020
This year, Sing-a-bration and Joy of Singing are coming to you! You may choose from over 30 unique reading sessions, lasting up to 90 minutes each. Elementary and secondary levels sessions are available. We will also provide on-demand break-out sessions featuring a variety of topics for both middle school and high school, exclusively through Pender’s during the month of July!
Most reading sessions and breakout topic sessions will offer a certificate of participation which may be suitable for continuing education credits. Registration will be required to view at no charge.
Complete your free registration here. After completing your free registration order, you will receive an email from Pender’s Music Co. with an access code, good for all sessions.
Pender’s Sing-a-bration

Pender’s Sing-a-bration Elementary Session
Experience a multi-level reading session of exciting new music from multiple publishers for elementary and developing choirs.
Sessions by Andy Beck and Denise Eaton
Pender’s Sing-a-bration Secondary Session
Experience a multi-level reading session of exciting new music from multiple publishers for middle school and high school choirs.
Sessions by Andy Beck, and Denise Eaton

Joy of Singing High School Reading Sessions
High School Concert and Festival
While these writers and arrangers have long been known for their creative arrangements of copyrighted music, they are all accomplished musicians who require an outlet for their pure classical and Concert work. Along with Roger Emerson, Mac Huff, Emily Crocker, John Leavitt, Kirby Shaw and Cristi Cary Miller, a wonderful ensemble of well-respected writers have been regular contributors to this important genre of music. We have the bonus of Henry Leck’s Creating Artistry Series. This online session is hosted by composer, arranger teacher Rollo Dilworth.
High School Winter & Holiday
Whether you can sing traditional carols or not, whether you embrace pop music or not. Hal Leonard has Winter, Christmas, Hanukah, secular and sacred music for the season. Emily Crocker is our host for this session.
Curated Series
As conductors, we all look for repertoire from other leading conductors when choosing literature for our programs. Hal Leonard has assembled a most impressive list of conductors and composers as “contributing editors” who seek new music as they travel the world as guest conductors and clinicians. Andrea Ramsey, Rollo Dilworth, Judith Clurman, Craig Hella Johnson, Carrie Tennant, Jonathan Palant, Eugene Rogers and Joni Jensen bring us highlights from their important and varied series. Concert and Classical Choral Editor, Scott Foss, is the host for this session along with appearances by each of the series contributors.
High School Pop and Jazz
Hal Leonard has long been known for the pop and jazz arrangements they bring to the choral world. From the Beatles to Taylor Swift, The Rat Pack to Take 6 and everyone in between, we have the hottest artists and the arrangements to match. Included in this area is Pop A Cappella, Classic Pop, Current Pop as well as Jazz standards, original jazz compositions and contemporary Jazz. Roger Emerson shares his thoughts and insights as the host of this session.
High School Stage and Screen
With exclusive print rights to Disney, Rogers and Hammerstein, Jerome Kern, Stephen Sondheim, Pasek and Paul and so many more from Broadway and the movies, Hal Leonard is the place to find Broadway, Movie and TV music for your show choir, Concert Choir, Men’s and Women’s choirs and everyone in between. This session features music from Frozen 2, Rocketman, Dumbo, The Lion King, The Greatest Showman, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Aladdin and more. Mac Huff has been creating arrangements of this music for many years and he brings his talents as host of this session.
High School Shawnee Press
Greg Gilpin has developed the Shawnee Press school catalogue into one of the most varied and respected imprints in the industry. With a combination of original music along with copyrighted arrangements from some of America’s leading writers, arrangers and educators, there is something for everyone. Greg hosts, offers his insights, and engages his contributors for this session.
Joy of Singing Middle School Reading Sessions
Middle School Concert and Festival
While these writers and arrangers have long been known for their creative arrangements of copyrighted music, they are all accomplished musicians who require an outlet for their pure classical and Concert work. Along with Roger Emerson, Mac Huff, Emily Crocker, John Leavitt, Kirby Shaw and Cristi Cary Miller, a wonderful ensemble of well-respected writers have been regular contributors to this important genre of music. Unique and important to this earlier level of student is our Discovery Series, featuring music especially selected and edited by Audrey Snyder for beginning and developing middle school choirs and offering VoiceTrax recordings. You will find many invaluable resources for your singers. This online session is hosted by Cristi Cary Miller.
Middle School Winter & Holiday
Whether you can sing traditional carols or not, whether you embrace pop music or not, Hal Leonard has Winter, Christmas, Hanukkah, secular and sacred music for the season. Roger Emerson is our host for this session.
Middle School Pop and Jazz
Hal Leonard has long been known for the pop and jazz copyrights they control in the print music world. From the Beatles to Taylor Swift, from The Rat Pack to Take 6 and everyone in between, we have the hottest artists and the arrangements to match. Included in this area is Pop A Cappella, Classic Pop, Current Pop as well as Jazz standards, Jazz originals and contemporary Jazz. Cristi Cary Miller, herself a middle school teacher, hosts this session and shares her insights as to how she programs this style of music and how her students embrace it.
Middle School Stage and Screen
With exclusive print rights to Disney, Rogers and Hammerstein, Jerome Kern, Stephen Sondheim, Pasek and Paul and so many more from Broadway and the movies, Hal Leonard is the place to find Broadway, Movie and TV music for your show choir, Concert Choir, Men’s and Women’s choirs and everyone in between. This session features music from Frozen 2, Rocketman, Dumbo, The Lion King, The Greatest Showman, Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, Aladdin and more. Roger Emerson has been creating thoughtful and ability-appropriate arrangements of this music for many years and he brings his talents as host of this session.
Middle School Shawnee Press
Greg Gilpin has developed the Shawnee Press school catalogue into one of the most varied and respected imprints in the industry. With a combination of original music along with copyrighted arrangements from some of America’s leading writers, arrangers and educators, there is something for everyone. Greg hosts, offers his insights, and engages his contributors for this session.
Elementary Breakout Sessions
The Interactive General Music Classroom – Shawna Longo
Essential Elements Music Class provides hundreds of songs and numerous resources for elementary music including digital books, listening maps, teacher plans, concert repertoire, method books, activity pages, and Noteflight. This session will demonstrate many ways that you can use EE Music Class with your students. It will give you tips and tricks for integration and organization, all provided by an experienced music teacher who is using EEMC with her students in all learning environments!
Jazz for Young People – Swingin’ interaction in the classroom or the living room – Sharon Burch
(Grades 2-8) Designed for teachers who may or may not be trained in America’s art form, making jazz accessible to everyone. Experience a general music introduction to jazz through the music and innovations of Louis Armstrong. Interactive jazz lessons created with the content of Wynton Marsalis and Jazz At Lincoln Center (JALC) recordings. Students scat sing and play unpitched instruments (or spoons from the kitchen drawer) along with great jazz standards and the audio/video recordings of JALC artists. Sharon Burch, an education consultant for JALC, shares interactive lessons from Wynton Marsalis’s Jazz for Young People resources that can work in the classroom or remotely online. Interactive jazz theory incorporating 21st Century Skills.
Ukulele in the Classroom – Anyone Can Do It! – Roger Emerson
Roger Emerson received his degree in Music Education from Southern Oregon University and served as music specialist for 12 years in the Mt. Shasta Public School system. He concluded his teaching career at the College of the Siskiyous, also in Northern California, and now devotes full time to composing, arranging and consulting. Roger is known for creating “songs kids love to sing.”
World Rhythms – Kalani Das
Unlock the full potential of musical experiences to meet your students’ creative and community needs. Board-Certified Music Therapist and World Drumming specialist, Kalani Das, shares ways of using the World Rhythms program to help your students feel engaged, empowered, and connected.
Middle School/High School Breakout Sessions
From a Distance: Online learning technology and copyright – John Mlynczak
With online learning, we can continue to teach music to our students in these unpredictable times. What technology do we need to be successful? How can we legally create and share repertoire with our students? This session will provide guidance for creating an adaptable music curriculum and demonstrate many resources to support your program.
You Think Sight-Reading, They Think FUN! – Emily Cocker
Follow a prescribed sequence and see the reading (and fun!) develop. This session includes techniques and materials to introduce and develop music reading skills in beginning elementary and middle school choirs.
The Changing Voice – What to do with those boys! – Roger Emerson
Roger Emerson received his degree in Music Education from Southern Oregon University and served as music specialist for 12 years in the Mt. Shasta Public School system. He concluded his teaching career at the College of the Siskiyous, also in Northern California, and now devotes full time to composing, arranging and consulting. Roger is known for creating “songs kids love to sing.”
I’d Like To Teach the World to Sing – Cristi Cary Miller
Discover and develop multiple methods for teaching a song. Learn how to reach all styles of learners in the music classroom.
It All Begins with OO – Greg Gilpin with special guests Tim Seelig and Lynn Brinckmeyer
Developing Great Diction with Your Choir – Rollo Dilworth