Use of the TMEA logo and name does not imply TMEA endorsement or sponsorship of the company or product.
It must be convention season! We’ll be setting up 48 booth spaces at the TMEA Clinic/Convention at the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center in San Antonio. The convention will takes place February 11-13 and is the largest of its kind in the nation, with over 26,000 attendees. Come by to check out our stock of sheet music and related materials from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday and Friday or from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday.
Let Pender’s save you valuable time by placing your order with us in advance, and picking it up at the conference! Build a wish-list on our website or email your list to orders@penders.com. Be sure to let us know that you would like to pick up the items during the TMEA convention on any order or PO sent for this purpose, and we’ll have your materials ready when you arrive. We suggest sending us your purchase order or list by Monday, January 25th to ensure a complete fill of your requested items.